Any chance we can get these two vids combined
i recommend avidemux, lossless merging might be possible (merge without re-encode)
I can do it for you but might be a while
IR FutureKeymaster
Thanks to Tsu for this great find. Please keep sharing what you stumble upon. As always some of the best clips will end up on our main website. And thanks bearblack1980 for letting us know about avidemix. Will definitely look more into that later as it seems to have some great features.
For now I have edited and merged the originals. In the edited versions the lighting/color balance should be a bit better but I am sure it could be improved even more.
Full mpg version (215 MB): http://ul.to/95niuufu
Full mp4 version (102 MB): http://ul.to/pwvcl7mv
The original videos: